The Buffalo Marathon is only 3 weeks away and I'm dealing with some nasty ailments. The most discouraging point in my training so far occurred this past Sunday when I couldn't finish my 20 mile run. My knee was killing me and I had to walk 3 miles home. I wanted to cry. This ailment is nothing new, but it seems to have become worse over the past 2 years. I can't even seem to get it to "pop" into place anymore. At my wits end, I decided to stop by Eastern Mountain Sports on my way home from work and buy some
KT Tape to use underneath my knee brace while I run. I bought the new
Pro version and I really like it. It seemed to really help during my 6-miler today, and now I'm just using the tape for general stability as well. I'm worried about my knee in general, but hoping this will get me through the end of the month.

I know that this isn't uncommon in marathoners, but I'm dealing with losing my toenails and ingrown toenails. I have a black toenail and one toenail that's completely gone. My big toe on the left has undergone some "bathroom surgery" to remove a huge chunk of nail, but it's healing up decently. Overall, my feet problems are nasty. My left foot also has a pretty gross blister...
In any event, I'm still plugging away at my training. The thought of possibly not being able to run anymore due to this knee thing is killing me. Nate is worried. Frankly, I am too. It's such a huge part of who I am... I need this...
Endomondo Running Workout: Nicole was out running 6.21 miles in 49m:04s using Endomondo.
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